Born on 13 October 1973 Fabrizio Colonna is a versatile musician steadily based in Amsterdam since 2004, where he is currently living as a guitar and music teacher and performing gigs.
His interests and attraction to music go back to his childhood. His parents were passionate for music, and the music of Bach, Brahms , Strawinsky, Bartók, Poulénc, Debussy were often played at home.
He started playing guitar at the age of eleven with a classical guitar teacher. At 16 he followed at the "Piccolo Conservatorio Nuova Milano Musica" the courses in harmony, jazz music theory and jazz guitar with Mauro Polloni, il Poeta della Chitarra.
At 19 years old he moved from Milano to Bolgna to study at the University of Music DAMS (Discipline of Art and Music) where he graduated with the thesis on the “Haromonices Mundi” from Johannes Kepler.
On his twenties he was admitted to the "Conservatorio San Martino” in Bologna for the composition courses. There he studied complementary piano, score reading, deepening his studies in harmony and attending the classes on contemporary music analysis.
During those years his downstairs neighbour in Bologna ended up to be Domenico Caliri, a gifted and brilliant musician conductor and composer.
A life-spam friendship ensued and with that a deep and long journey in the study of the jazz guitar under his teaching and guidance.
Always in Bologna he began to play his first gigs and teaching guitar at the music school "Scuola Popolare di Musica Ivan Illic”, a good place for creativity and music expression.
He attended the Siena Jazz courses with the jazz guitarist Pietro Condorelli and with Piero Tonolo.
In Bologna he took part in an ensemble project directed by the composer Alfredo Impullitti for the "AngelicA Festival Internazionale di Musica" .
In 2003 he moved to Amsterdam where he studied Counterpoint in the Renascence style with the pianist composer Misha Mengelberg at the CvA. Always with Misha he played for several years at his classes on improvised music. In this sessions -"De Lawaai Classes- he broadened his interests in exploring the guitar in a more experimental and unusual way, cultivating the interests for sound research and for the prepared guitar.
Precious in those years was also the encounter with the admirable classic guitar player Frans Brekelmans who guided him into refining his classical guitar interests.
Today he is active as a musician in the jazz scene in Amsterdam.
He performs regularly in different jam Sessions in Amsterdam. Often on Sunday afternoon at the café Engelbewaarden .